The sun’s still shining and we’re still working!

The sun’s still shining and we’re still working!

First, we hope that this email finds you in good health and in the best spirits possible.

We understand that there are a lot of uncertainties during this time, so Northeast Solar wants to take a moment to update you on how we are evolving to meet the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 virus.

Northeast Solar has taken all possible steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees and the customers we work with. That said, Northeast Solar is still up and running and installing solar all over the Valley.

A few notes on some of the changes we’ve made:

  • Our office is closed for the time being and will remain closed until further notice.
  • Our office staff is working remotely.
  • Our installation crews are staying outside and are in regular communication with homeowners during installs.
  • Install crews are driving to job sites individually to maintain social distancing.
  • We are suspending in-person meetings until state and federal health officials say it is safe to resume them.

With so much uncertainty, you can still count on the sun to rise in the morning.

Energy work falls into the essential functions category that Governor Baker laid out in his stay-at-home order, and we take that designation very seriously. As I write this, Northeast Solar employees are fielding incoming calls, drafting designs, emailing proposals, and signing new contracts—all remotely.

While the virus is certainly making us examine our habits, it is not having a huge impact on the way we normally operate. Much of the work we do is done remotely, we are just having to take conscious steps to evaluate our procedures in order to ensure our compliance with the law and to be respectful of vital social distancing guidelines.

We are all in this together, and the community will emerge from this stronger, and more resilient.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 413-247-6045.

In good health,

Northeast Solar

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